☥ about me! ☥

who are you?

> I'm Adam! Online I go by adamantite

what do you do irl?

> I work part time at a fast food restaurant
In my spare time I'm usually gaming, listening to music, or coding

favorite game?

> undertale! I instantly fell in love with the game when it came out, and I still love it to this day.

favorite song?

> My favorite song is constantly changing. I made a spotify playlist for all of my favorite songs, and the last song will usually be my current favorite!

you should list off a bunch of your favorite things!

> Weird request but ok! I love music, some of my favorite bands are Blue October, Lemon Demon, The Smashing Pumpkins, 100 gecs, pity party (girls club), Louie Zong, femtanyl, salv the dog, and KGATLW! Theres alot more, but I can't fit them all here. (go check out my music page!)

> I also love gaming! I'm don't really play as much as I used too, but oh well. Some of my favorite games are Terraria, Binding of Isaac, Project Zomboid, Undertale (as listed above), Bonelab, and Outer Wilds. Just as before, there's alot more games that I like, I just can't list them here (go check out my steam page, it's linked on the sidebar!)

> I'm not super into movies and TV shows, but I still have some favorites! I love every single Studio Ghibli movies, but my favorite of theirs has to be Ponyo. My favorite movie growing up was Wall-E, and I still love it to this day. I'm also JoJo fan. As of now, I've only watched the anime, but I plan on reading the manga too. I only really have two shows I like to watch over and over, those being Arrested Development, and Trailer Park Boys.

how can i contact you?

> Either through discord (link on the sidebar), or you can email me at adamcleaver00@gmail.com

☥ latest journal entry! ☥